How To Get Sound Dental Malpractice Information

Article by Levy Law Firm.

Have you been injured by a careless dentist or dental technician? These can be painful injuries that don’t heal up right away. At some point, you may wonder, “Do I have a right to be compensated for my pain and suffering?”

If you find yourself in this situation today, it can be very helpful to sit down with a dental malpractice attorney and talk about what happened. Most lawyers will give you a free 30 minute consultation where you can get professional advice about moving forward with a lawsuit.

Of course, there’s quite a bit of dental malpractice information online. Some of it is good sound advice and some of it isn’t. You can’t always believe everything you see online. Most people know this by now.

There is a statute of limitations on legal cases like this. It varies from state-to-state, but the average is 2 ½ years. The sooner you consult an attorney the better. You might forget important details if you wait too long. Also, the dentist will have forgotten about your case; his staff as well.

One thing to note is that the laws on “statute of limitations” begin at the moment the dentist or doctor commits the negligent act—not when you report it. If you believe you’ve been carelessly injured by a dentist, then move quickly to report this and get the wheels of justice turning.

Below are a few common reasons for filing a dental malpractice lawsuit:

Errors during extractions

Dental implant injury

Problems with bridges or crowns

Infections after treatment

Complications from aesthesia

Blog submitted by Dane Levy Attorney of, a provider of dental malpractice information for those injured by dental malpractice in California.

dental malpractice information